Illustrations for corporate websites, blogs & presentations

Outshine competitors on the web

Make content more accessible and your online experience more personal

Illustrations copyright 2022 @sandrastaufer

Help the personalisation and differentiation of your websites with a bespoke illustration to give a visual feel of your organisation - unique and personal! Your site will stand out from the competition.

Product illustrations bring delight to the users’ experience and a taste of originality. They help explain the benefits of a product and eventually, persuade people to love the product.


Illustrations tell your story in a very personable way - they add interest and warmth.

The combination of illustration and user-centred design can create an engaging online experience.

Illustrations on your website help to provide a visual representation of what you are offering, they can be an attractive and aesthetic element and really add value. They really do add visual appeal. The website users will see that you have gone the extra mile with personalisation - that you care about your brand.

With a solid foundation in Graphic Design and 20 years of experience as a creative director at a Brighton media agency, I have a good understanding of how design works in business. I know that well-targeted illustrations have the power to ‘show and tell’ in an engaging way.

Creating a personalised, impactful hero image for your website can really help the online presence and engagement - and hence help with conversion. It also talks to the audience directly.


Your website is your most powerful marketing tool. And one of the first thing website visitors see is your hero image. It is a specific type of website banner, quite large and often impactful and even animated. It grabs the audience's attention and reflects your brand messages.

Illustration website hero by Sandra Staufer for Housing Association

A good hero image offers a glimpse of what your business offers. It is at the top of your homepage and takes valuable real estate on your website. A powerful, warm and impactful hero image brings your homepage to life.

An impactful hero image can boost your conversion rates and impress your users.

The way your website is designed directly influences how a user feels about the site's brand. A meaningful, distinctive hero image, that has been aligned to your branding, can help to establish trust among new visitors and even convert them into customers.

It takes 50 milliseconds for users to form an opinion about a website. That’s why you need to make sure that your site is delightful. Using a hero image is a good way to ensure users can identify with your brand values and a positive online experience.

An example: A hero graphic full of hope to provide core branding for the 2021 Brighton Fringe marketing campaign

illustration by sandra staufer

Key benefits of a successful hero graphic

  • Builds a strong digital brand
  • Entertains, excites and engages people from all backgrounds and age group
  • Reflects well, sits comfortably with, and boosts main event branding
  • Improves an event’s online presence and raises awareness of its artistic range
  • Provides a successful shop window for an invent, boosting ticket sales

6 good reasons why to use illustrations on your website

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  1. They capture a complicated subject
  2. They can add a unique look
  3. Help you stand out from photo-strewn sites
  4. Help establish your trust with your audience
  5. Tell a story in a personal way
  6. Add humour

Do you know what people think of your blog?

Do you feel you need to come up with something a little different to spruce up your blog content rather than just using stock imagery?

An illustration is a great tool to engage the reader; it structures and brakes up a wall of text and allows you to be playful whilst conveying a serious message.